Discord avatar and banner of Community Updates

The avatar and profile banner of Community Updates have been zoomed in full-HD and can now be downloaded. You can also see all achievements and flags Community Updates has unlocked.

Discord Avatar

Community Updates

Username icon

Community Updates

Login to see how often this profile has been enlarged.
Updated just now
We could not update the profile because Discord's servers need a short cooldown as we are at rate limit of requests. Try again in a minute, please.

Share the zoomed Discord avatar of Community Updates

Share Community Updates's zoomed Discord avatar with your friends by simply copying the following link!

Notice that this link may be different from the one shown in the url of your current browser tab so please refer to this following link instead. The number included in this link is the userid of Community Updates.

Zooming profile picture and banner in HD

Enter the user-id here so we can enlarge the avatar for you. The avatar will be displayed in full-HD and can be downloaded afterwards.

We could not update the profile because Discord's servers need a short cooldown as we are at rate limit of requests. Try again in a minute, please.

The avatar can be zoomed and downloaded easily, no matter which device you are using.
Either follow these simple steps or use the button below the zoomed pfp.

The profile picture of Community Updates has been enlarged and is now ready to be downloaded.
Stealing the avatar is pretty easy. Simply download Community Updates's avatar by performing the following steps, matching on your device type. After you have downloaded the pfp, you can set it as your own avatar by clicking on your username, your profile picture, then on edit profile and finally on change avatar.

Simply tap and hold on the displayed avatar and select Save image.

Simply right click on the displayed avatar and select Save image as.

User feed - Find interesting profiles

Find new friends and interesting profiles in our Discord pfp feed! Scroll through thousands of profiles and find new friends!

User feed

How to find the user id

In order to enlarge a Discord user profile picture, you need to know the user id. The userid is hidden by default in Discord.To find the user id, you need to follow three easy steps in order to find the profile id.

  1. In your Discord app, go to settings
  2. Go to advanced and activate Developer Mode
  3. On any server or chat, right click the user you want to enlarge and click copy user id

Discord avatar zoomer

Zoom any user profile picture (avatar) in seconds with this free tool. In order to enlarge a Discord user profile, you simply need to enter the user id into the search input field and press get pfp. The profile picture will be enlarged in a few seconds. After performing the pfp zoom, you may download the enlarged profile picture from Discord-Avatar.com!

Why doesn't it work with the username?

Of course, it would be easier to enlarge a Discord user profile picture with their username. However, Discord does not provide a way to find the profile picture nor the user id of a Discord user by their username. Therefore, it is not possible to enlarge a Discord user profile picture with their username. In order to enlarge a user avatar, you need to know the user id.